Research Action

The laboratory demonstrates a strong research effort, both nationally and internationally, focusing mainly on Building Energy Efficiency and Smart Electric Grids.

At national level, it claims research projects and publishes the results of the research in scientific magazines.

At international level, it also claims research projects and publishes the results in recognized international journals and conferences.

Furthermore, the lab staff organizes International Scientific Conferences in some of the above fields such as the “International Conference on Energy Performance of Buildings and Renewable Energy Sources”.

It has developed close cooperation with educational and business actors at regional, national and international level. Indicatively, the following are listed:

Public Power Corporation S.A. Hellas

HEDNO (Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator S.A.)

National Technical University of Athens

Technical University of Patras

Democritus Technical University of Thrace

National Metrology Institute

Berlin Technical University (TU-Berlin) - Germany

Technical University of Istanbul (ITU) - Turkey

Municipality of Prespa

Municipality of Amyntaio

Municipality of Kozani